Sue's List

Sue's List

  • 07/19/24
For Statistics
Forever Chemicals: A Sticky Mess with Big Bucks for Cleanup Crews
Teflon may last forever, but its dark secret is finally out! Those fancy "forever chemicals" used to make it (PFAS) are showing up in our water and may cause cancer and liver damage - yikes! The government is scrambling to clean it up, and it's gonna be expensive.
Here's the breakdown:
  • Water Woes: Over half of Americans have PFAS in their tap water.
  • Big Bucks for Cleanup: Cleaning it up will cost a whopping $200 billion - that's 200 times more than the recent $1.18 billion settlement with chemical companies.
  • Utilities on Notice: The EPA is cracking down, forcing water companies to spend up to $3 billion a year to remove these chemicals.
  • Green is the New Clean: Environmental companies are seeing a huge boom, with some expecting a 10x revenue increase from PFAS cleanup by 2027.
  • Lawsuits Left and Right: Over 9,800 lawsuits have been filed against companies linked to PFAS, leading to $16.7 billion in settlements.
The good news? Stricter regulations are forcing companies to ditch these harmful chemicals. The bad news? It's gonna be a long and expensive cleanup.
For Unusual
The New York Times Restaurant Critic Calls it Quits (and Blames the Fries)
Being a food critic sounds like a dream job, right? Free fancy meals, endless praise... turns out it's more like a delicious nightmare! Pete Wells, The New York Times' critic for 12 years, is hanging up his metaphorical fork after a doctor's visit revealed his "cholesterol, blood sugar, and hypertension were worse than I'd expected even in my doomiest moments." Apparently, all that restaurant hopping takes a toll. Former critic Adam Platt feels your pain (and your clogged arteries)! He shared his own battle with gout, high cholesterol, and diabetes, calling it "the least healthy job in America, probably." But it's not just the body that suffers. Research suggests all that yummy, processed food plays havoc on the brain too. "Imagine your deliciousness sensors are on DEFCON 1 all day," Platt told Wells. "You become an addict."
So, the next time you envy the food critic with their front-row seat to culinary delights, remember: great power comes at a greasy cost. Wells summed it up perfectly: "I've had the trousers let out a few inches, but a tailor can take them in again. As for the stain on the jacket, that's just pork fat. I think it adds character."
For Explore
Florida's Hidden Gem Explodes: From Quiet Beach to Celebrity Hotspot
Forget the Florida Keys, there's a new sheriff in town (and its name is 30A)! This stretch of beach used to be quieter than a mime convention, but thanks to clever marketing, it's become the Hamptons of the South, overflowing with fancy houses and celebs like those guys from your fantasy football team.  How'd they do it? Well, picture this: sugary white beaches, turquoise water, sprinkle in some Grecian and Dutch architecture for good measure, and BAM! - Instagram gold. Influencers flocked faster than seagulls to a free fry giveaway, and now it's all bachelorette parties and #blessed posts as far as the eye can see.
The money's rolling in with tourism, bringing in a whopping $7.2 billion last year. Most of the visitors come from the Southeast, with New Orleans sending a whole army of over 200,000 people in 2020. All this attention has a price though, because forget finding a house here for less than what a small island nation spends on defense.
But hey, there's only so much beach to go around, so enjoy the ride while you can! 

for Special
Wave Hill Bakery's New Store: A Carb-Lover's Paradise!
Alert, bread lovers! Wave Hill Bakery just opened a giant new store on Westport Ave in Norwalk. This means you can finally admire their epic breads (think monkey bread!), cookies, and pastries through a fancy glass case.
Bonus: The new store has exclusive treats, fancy local finds, and a killer sandwich menu (including a "Growing Boy" option, because some appetites are bottomless). They're even planning bread-making classes and birthday parties! Basically, it's a bread paradise. Get your carb-loving self over there!
239 Westport Ave, Norwalk CT (opening hours are online but no website yet)
Thanks for reading the entire list!
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